In the new game, created based on the Japanese anime series Death Note, we can again meet with the heroes who have set themselves the question of the welfare of people at the expense of the misery of other people. In the very same plot of the anime, the question was about the impunity of killing for the good. Could there be a better life on our planet in this way. But let's get back to our game. Collect 12 puzzles based on the legendary anime!
Super heros Combat & flying
Motorcycle Run
Cute Couples Puzzle
Princess Pastel Fashion
Draw Defence
Epic Race 3D
Kids Birthday Party Games
Pets Hair Salon
Spider Santa Claus
Dress Up Games - Girls Games
9 Doors Escape
Fashion Model 2020 - Rising Star Girl
Bridge Ladder Race Stair
Shooting color ball
Dolly Wants To Play
Block Breaker Online
Luna Kitty House Escape
Captain America Disc
Farm Boy Escape2
Hidden Objects Hello Love
Fun Brawl Stars Puzzle
Unicorn Dress Up , Make Up & Girls Games
Funny Cars Memory
Paper Survive
Halloween Cakes Mahjong
Air Warfare
Prison Eskape
Car Parking Drive Game : Parking Master 3D
Powerful Wizards Hidden